The recently published movie “Wicked” has brought together many people interested in different forms of media. This movie brought people who love musicals, movies, and stories in general, and even people into media with a deep meaning together.
Ranging from the soundtrack, the plot, and the casting, this movie is outstanding. Many people feel the same way, such as Maddie Gonzales, a junior at Eleanor Roosevelt High School, “I’ve seen ‘Wicked’ twice and it was awesome sauce, I’ve watched the musical and I can say I like it more. However, I have no critiques for the movie.”
Gonzales expressed her love for the movie “Wicked” and the musical that came out in 2003. There are some major differences between the two, such as where they left off, the music choices, and the vocals. The two can have vast differences but it does not make either of them bad.

Personally, I believe the movie was spectacular. The soundtrack itself was amazing, while the costumes in the movie are so easy to love. I also want to add that I am obsessed with the casting options along with the storyline, it adds so much that would’ve been missing otherwise. I have not seen the musical, however, I have heard both soundtracks and I can say that while there are some parts I love in the musical, the movie is my favorite. As much as I wish the movie was shorter, it does not take away any aspects like the visible effort put into it.
I asked a senior, Izel Carrasco, for her opinion on “Wicked”, and she stated, “Although I’ve never seen the musical, I know what happens in it. I watched the movie twice and loved the casting and how all of the singing was done live. I feel as if that adds so much and honors the stage.”
One thing many people enjoyed watching the movie was the live singing aspect in the movie. Carrasco specifically loved it, and during the movie, there are so many things each actor does which makes it difficult to sing in those moments.
Josef Tablit, a junior at Eleanor Roosevelt High School was ecstatic to talk to me about the film, “I’ve watched the movie roughly three times now, and as someone who partakes in theater activities, it was a movie I am obsessed with. My biggest critique is how long the movie is, but the costumes and sets are very well made.”
Tablit is one of the actors at Eleanor Roosevelt Theater, and he has acted in a multitude of productions. He’s one of the many people who partake in theater activities and absolutely loved this movie. This says a lot because many people in theater do not enjoy it when musicals are remade into movies.
Overall, the movie has little critiques from many different types of people. There’s so much that went into this production, which shows. “Wicked” is a well-loved movie and musical by many, so it is highly recommended.
Jennifer • Jan 31, 2025 at 9:13 am
Oh no u couldn’t be more wrong the costumes the singing the scenery everything your eyes your ears they so enjoyed a magical event that will be in my heart forever I truly enjoyed the movie and I listen to the soundtrack all the time in my car and I’ve seen the movie 3x plan to see it at least 10x more
Henry • Jan 27, 2025 at 6:51 pm
Must have watched a different show to me, ultra high pitched singing and story poorly executed. Just under 3hrs of an underwhelming movie in so many respects