End of Semester Recap
Congrats on finishing first semester.
December 13, 2019
The semester is ending and there is so much that has happened. For seniors, it is another step towards graduation and college. Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshman are getting closer to being in a higher grade.
Freshmen this year have experienced a lot in their first semester of high school. Terra Whitaker says, “My favorite thing was playing sports.” Looking back on their first semester Mikayla Invencion says, “My favorite thing about semester one was being in girls volleyball and learning about teamwork, leadership, and building bonds”. Going into next year Invencion says, “The event that I am looking forward to forĀ my sophomore year would be the dances and enjoying the experience.”
Many events took place this first semester-from homecoming game to Link Crew’s winter wonderland for freshmen. All that happened was to start off the year a fall pep rally and then after a homecoming dance that left people in a dancing mood the whole night. Things that happened between, was the tailgate before the football game and also the school’s biggest club rush, leaving kids with a wide choice of what clubs to join.
The Sophomores have now experienced their second first semester, Maddie Hopkins says, “My favorite thing about this semester was volleyball season and getting to know all the people because we all created a special bond and we are all here for each other.” Daniela De La Torre is also a sophomore and says, “My favorite thing that happened this semester was celebrating the holidays with my classes.” Many people have experienced different things this semester whether it’s from sports or what classes you have.
Sophomores are now a step closer to being juniors and they look forward to next year’s first semester. Hopkins says, “For junior year I am looking forward to all the school events like the football games and rallies.” Torre also says, “I feel like the thing I’m looking forward to the most junior year is the homecoming dance because I didn’t go this year or my freshman year.”
This semester has been full of exciting things like the winter formal that’s coming up. One major thing that did make students excited were the spirit weeks, allowing all the students to dance up to a theme and be funny in any way they could.
For juniors that are now going to be seniors next year, Kennedi Baker says, “My favorite part about this semester was walking in the fall pep rally and getting to see all the energy from the gym floor.” Katahna Dixie is a also a junior and she says, “My favorite thing that happened this semester would probably be playing on the volleyball team and going to homecoming”. Approaching next year Baker says, ” Something I’m looking forward to next year is all the football games and my senior night for volleyball.” Dixie also says, “I’m looking forward to attending more dances and events next year like senior sunrise and prom, and I’m hoping to play on the volleyball team again next year.”

Some Seniors enjoying the sunrise.
For seniors this is a sad year, leaving high school to the big world of college and experiencing everything in high school for the last time and experiencing senior sunrise. Taylor McCall says, “My favorite thing this semester was football’s last CIF game. Since my freshman year, I’ve gone to almost every game but this last one really hit me that it was my last high school football game ever. I’m sad it ended especially cause all my friends are on the team. I loved watching them play. ” Vanessa Gamez also says, “My favorite thing that happened this semester was when my team and I beat Santiago because they’ve always been really good in Volleyball and had a winning streak against us, and it was something I will never forget”.
Talking about something they will miss McCall says, The event I will miss the most is football season and my softball season with the team. Over the last four years, we have all grown so close and I can’t imagine leaving them.” Gamez also says, “I will miss going to football games with my friends because those nights I remember turned out to be some of the best when I would go over to my friend’s houses after the games and we would all hang out and make great memories together”.
In the end, the first semester was a great semester. Congrats on finishing the first semester, only one more to go!