Homecoming Nominations
Ballet collection team
September 25, 2019
September 20 was this years day to get your vote in for homecoming court nominations. This means that we get to choose the four men and women who will go on the ballet for homecoming king and queen. Normally there isn’t this much of a fuss, but so many people decided to run we had to add the nomination vote.

ASB member posing with a ballet collection box
The results are in. This years homecoming ballet will have Carol Conghuyen, Kenna Spear, Kayla Singleton, and Rylie West for the woman and Jason Isaac, Nathan Michel, Jared Tolmasoff, and Jalen Reese for the men. Sadly Jazmyn Andrews, Krysten Ybarra, Madison Brown, Andrew Barrios, and Thomas Kendig did not make their way to the ballet.
Ying Chou, a junior at ERHS, set up the event. I interviewed her about the processes of homecoming nominations. She said that anyone can vote but they must “vote by grade” and “only seniors can run.” Chou chose to not vote in order to remain unbiased in the counting of votes she did later that day. She seemed to have a lot of votes to count if the lines of people swarming the voting tables have any say in it.

People in line to vote for nominations
I also interviewed Jasmine Torres about who she would be voting for. The junior said she wanted to vote for our schools band candidates (Jalen Reese and Carol Conghuyen). She states band “is a really big program and I feel like we need to be heard more.” She also felt like she didn’t know many of the other candidates, even though we discussed the amount of campaigning around campus. Her vote seemed to be the same as many others because both Carol and Jalen moved on to the next voting round.
After a whorl wind of nomination excitement, remember to vote for your homecoming king and queen for Homecoming 2019.

Names being crossed of voting list to ensure no double votes