ERHS rugby


Harmony Johnson

Eleanor Roosevelt has had a rugby team for over two years now. For the past couple of years our rugby team has prospered. It’s had its ups and downs but the strong team always found a way to make it back to the top. Rugby is often referred to as a gentlemen’s sport because of the way teams respects other teams before, after and even during their games.

Rugby is a rough sport yet the players say other wise, you see players walk away with all kind of  cuts and bruises and scratches. Surprisingly during a rugby game you’re just as hyper and on edge as you would be watching a football game. Hearing the cheers of both team members and friends and family that cane to support the team makes it so much more exciting. While watching a game of rugby you sit on the edge of the bleachers and you’re completely wrapped up in the game even if you don’t know whats going on at first, trust me you catch on quick.

The rules of the game are simple so it’s extremely easy to pick up on whats going on. On Friday January 19th Eleanor Roosevelt girls rugby team had a home game and the game count was 2-1 and they lost only one game. Our girls rugby dominated Murrieta Valleys girls team. Sara Kish tells us “We did pretty good, there is always room for improvement.” When I asked Kish what she was hoping for in games to come she replied saying “I’m excited to grow closer with my teammates and take some more wins.”

Their next game is February 2nd at Murrieta valley high school.