Planned Parenthood Scandal

Maddie Gorrie, Editor

Planned Parenthood has always opened its doors to men and women all across the nation. Regardless of the issue an individual may be facing, Planned Parenthood offers its services and never turns anyone down, males or females.

On December 7, the Department of Justice began investigating Planned Parenthood and questioning its practices. The organization that helps so many people on a yearly basis is being accused of selling fetal tissue to other medical institutions.

During November, the Federal Bureau of Investigation initially asked the committee to hand over the documents, but none were surrendered.

Emily Christensen, a junior at Eleanor Roosevelt says, “The government should stop making accusations regarding Planned Parenthood since they are so good to everyone. Even if they had been using the fetal tissue, it was all for research so no one was actually being harmed.”

This all started off of due to another investigation in 2015 by pro-life activists, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. Two years ago, these two people dressed up and acted as though they were fetal researchers while taking videos while in Planned Parenthood.

The Trump administration is beginning to get involved as well, debating whether or not Planned Parenthood has actually been selling the hearts, lungs, and kidneys of fetuses.


photo by Maddie Gorrie
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