Ready for Thanksgiving break?


Photo taken by Ariana Scott at Eleanor Roosevelt High

Hailey Morales, Staff Writer

I’m sure everyone can say that this break is very well deserved. Sadly, it’s only a week long but it’s a week nonetheless for us students to finally be stress-free. We’re already in the season of cold nights and days that get darker earlier than usual, so it’s definitely something to get used to. The holiday season is here, do any of y’all have plans? There’s so many places to be and family activities to do in just one week! People are getting ready to fly out and be reunited with the whole family.

Pumpkin pies, drinks and scents are completely back in stock everywhere so all you fall lovers should be so excited! What are y’all most excited about during this break and already hitting the end of this semester?

Today we’re going to interview Dafne Tellez and Janae Magpale about how their feeling about the year coming to an end with finals and how they’re going to spend Thanksgiving break.

Tellez shared “I’m not feeling exactly confident about this semester ending but I’m okay with my grades as long as they stay on track. For finals coming up, I think everyone should pay attention to tips that the teachers are giving and read all your notes to make sure you know what you’re doing. I hope to hangout with my friends over the break but also have some me time, I need to focus on myself since I’ve been so stressed lately.”

Magpale says “For break, my family all gets together at my house for Thanksgiving but the day before, we go to my aunt’s house to have a pre-thanksgiving type of thing. The rest of the week, I’ll probably just hangout with friends watch TV. With finals coming up, I’ll make little study group like this year at Starbucks or my house and I’m feeling confident about ending the semester since my grades right now are good and I’m feeling good about all my finals.”

Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving break that is well-spent!