MLB World Series

The world series was a long battle leading up to the seventh game between the Dodgers and Astros.

Emily Christensen

November 1, 2017 was the seventh game of the 2017 world series. It was a fight to the finish, with the Los Angeles Dodgers vs. the Houston Astros through games one to six. Game seven was 5-0 Astros, until the late innings when the score changed 5-1 for the rest of the game leading the Houston Astros into victory.

The biggest hit of the night was from Springer who “just remembers swinging and hearing the sound of the bat and I knew it was a good sound, and then I saw the flight of the ball.” Springer was named Most Valuable Player. “I got to first base and I rounded third and got home, and that’s a crazy feeling. It’s a very surreal feeling because this is Game seven. This is what you dream of as a kid and for that to happen is indescribable.”

This 2017 world series game for the Astros is their first won in franchise history being around since 1962.

“Next year” the Dodger fans keep shouting. The Dodgers played a great season and are proud of what they accomplished this season. “I told the guys tonight that I’m just thankful to be a part of this team,” Kershaw said. “Thankful for their commitment and work. It was never about one guy. It was about everybody in here. It’s just too hard to think about what the Astros are getting to do right now.”