Join Choir!


Photo taken from Helen Tran

Jessica Jones, Staff Writer

The art of music has been appreciated for more than 50,000 years; it’s been used as a way to bond friends together and provide a unique connection for only a select few to ever truly feel.

Though many of us today love to listen to music, there is a group of people who simply love making music. The difference between fully emerging yourself into the sound and using your own emotion and ability to create a “unique-to-you” melody, is what sets us apart. But either way does it matter so much when you truly love something.

Do you love to sing? Even if you’re shy do you still enjoy the feeling? Or more importantly have you ever simply thought about joining choir? If so you should most definitely think about joining soon. Even if you fear not being good enough that should be all the more reason to try it, you should think about it as wanting to improve your voice and learn how to use it to it’s fullest potential. It’s also a loving environment where you’re surrounded by people with the same hobby-or dare I say passion as you.

There are four choirs. So what’s the difference?


Concert Choir

Out of all the four choirs, Concert Choir is the only one you get into without an audition. Many students use it as a bit of a stepping stone to build up their skills before making their way to the varsity choirs. They do no specific types of songs and overall it’s just a choir made for building up your skill.


Often when you picture a choir you think of a sort of angel like grace that is traditionally found in church like places. When you see that stereotypical group in your head, that’s probably the Madrigals you’re picturing. Most of the songs they do have the traditional and prestige influence to them that most would describe as classical or 16th century.  

Vocal Jazz

This choir is exactly what it sounds like-jazzy. This is a very lively choir that does good soul and singing songs where you can show off all your great vocal talents.

Women’s Ensemble

This all girls choir is especially unique; unlike the two other varsity choirs there is no set type of song that is done. Sometimes they do classical songs like Mads and sometimes they do cool jazz songs like Vocal Jazz. Overall it’s like a mix of both the varsity choirs with it’s own feminine twist.


If you’re thinking about joining then please go speak to Mrs Huete in the choir room (G168)