The Good Doctor

Fatimah Jackson, Staff Writer

Courtesy of IMDb

The first episode of ABC’s The Good Doctor aired on Sept 25 with a new episode already released on October 9. The show features Doctor Shaun Murphy- played by Freddie Highmore, a young surgeon that suffers from autism and Savant syndrome. In the first episode, viewers are given insight into the life of Shaun as he tries to applies for a position at St. Bonaventure hospital, but because he is autistic, he is put under heavy scrutiny. We are shown throughout the episode that he is a more than capable surgeon, yet is constantly underestimated because of his condition.

The show features other aspects beside Shaun by introducing the complex relationship between doctors Jared Kalu and Claire Brown and how their work affects their relationship. As Shaun’s guardian and president of St. Bonaventure, Aaron Glassman’s career relies on Shaun’s success as a surgeon. This adds onto the pressure Shaun faces, making his journey harder.

Despite having only three aired episodes currently, The Good Doctor has received an abundant amount of positive reviews. With an 8.6 on IMDb, audiences seem to enjoy Freddie Highmore’s depiction of an autistic young adult. Shaun Murphy’s character is not only meant for entertainment, but signifies the positive depiction of mentally disabled persons.  With media and entertainment expanding and becoming more diverse in its characters, Shaun Murphy has the power to change how others view mentally disabled people. A fellow viewer of the show, Angel Sykes, says that “I love the show because the plot is really intriguing, and it shows that mentally disable people can do petty much anything.” The Good Doctor is meant to show that being handicap, whether it be mental or physical, cannot hinder anyone from pursuing something they are passionate about.