Yikes, the British World War ll Bomb Discovered

Frankfurt plans to take safety measures.

Marsaydí Jeffries, Staff Writer

On Sunday, a great historical object was discovered in Frankfurt. The people of Frankfurt received the surprise of finding the British World War ll bomb, which was beneath the city. Frankfurt Police established that the historical artifact was located on a construction site on Wismarer Street close to the Goethe University Frankfurt compound, during work hours.

Due to the unexpected discovery, officials had already planned to evaluate the middle of the city. The police give recognition that there is no actual danger, but that it would be better to be safe than sorry. The department explained that it was nothing more than just a safe precaution. Of course this was decided, until the police understood that the great “fossil” was a 1.4-ton HC 4000 air mine. Thus, the police stated that the size of the bomb makes vacating the city, a gigantic priority measure for the public. In addition, over 60, 000 civilians are said to be temporarily abandoning the city.

Now, the schedule for securing the city has been set. It is reported that Sunday, September 3rd, will be the start for defusing and disposing the bomb. It is acknowledged by authorities to begin in the middle of the day with four hours following, but also rumored to begin at 8 a.m local time.

Hope of safety is sent out for the people of Frankfurt. Even at our very own school, one of Eleanor Roosevelt’s greatest teachers, Mr. Pourchot, states that he hopes that “[the citizens] are safe and taking care of.” Although, Mr. Pourchot was not aware of the situation, he still wishes the best for the citizens of Frankfurt. As the situation was explained to him, he found being able to receive a follow up article on the subject matter to “be cool” and that he would “definitely take a look at [it].”

If you are interested in a following update, such as Mr. Pourchot is, feel free to tune in next week.