4 Easy Ways to Relieve Stress

4 Easy Ways to Relieve Stress

Nia Saldana, Co-Editor of Overall News

It’s the time of year of finals, graduation, and exhaustion from a full year of school. Here are a few ways to help relieve the high stress levels you are experiencing to help you make it to SUMMER!!

1. Power Naps:

Most students running off of little to no sleep from cramming need a quick nap to recharge. Cat naps can improve productivity and make you feel lots better! 2. Music:

Calming music can help stimulate the mind and calm nerves. Plugging in while studying can improve concentration. 3. Staying Organized:

Clutter causes stress. When having an organized space to work in students tend to be more motivated and have less distractions. 4. Exercise:

Exercising can be an outlet to let out stress and frustration. The endorphins released while exercising produces a natural energy bump.