What is an Appeal? (College Freshmen Rejection)
If you are a depressed soul like me who was just rejected from the university you dreamt of attending, there is one last stretch you can reach for if you feel your GPA, SAT and ACT scores and UC essays did not fully encapsulate your intelligence and hard work: an appeal.
An appeal is simply an essay explaining why you are qualifiable and why you should be considered. Deadlines and requirements vary depending on the college. Be wary to keep the essay from sounding too much like you are begging or bashing because of your rejection. Specify what you have accomplished and have not mentioned in your UC essays and transcript that can help elevate your appeal.
Appeal acceptance rates also vary from college to college. Be sure to check the appeal deadline and requirements.
Remember, college rejection does not determine your worth. There are plenty of other opportunities to explore besides college such as expense paid volunteer opportunities including Americorps and the SCA. College is not the only option to gain an education, and it certainly is not for everyone.

My name is Joyce Zhong and I am a senior at ERHS. My social media is notorious for my controversial opinions and radicalism, which will be transferred...