Due to the rapid speed of technological advancements, it is good practice for children to understand the tech world early on, however, “iPad Kids” and AI will negatively shape the future of education if not under proper control and management.

The immense growth of technological advancements and unlimited internet access negatively affected youth’s learning, endangering their brain development while shaping the future of education itself. According to the United States Census Bureau’s recent data, As of 2021, 81% of households with children between the ages of five to 17 owned tablets. With tablets, children became increasingly glued to the two-dimensional world rather than the physical world.
However, technologies can help parents get through a busy day more easily and a deserved break. Children as young as toddlers, when given iPads and unlimited access to the internet will likely experience delays in developing expressive language skills. This results in young children saying fewer words and eventual dissociation from the material world. The best way to aid in children’s language growth is to interact with them directly through picture books or building blocks before adapting to digital platforms.
Screentime for infants and toddlers is not recommended as this is their early stage of growth development, while children above the age of 4 could have limited screen time and access under an hour each day. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends high-quality programs, watching videos with their children while communicating with them and connecting what their children see to everyday experiences.

With the rise of AI technology, it is honestly no surprise that students would inevitably find use in it. A common AI platform that has been gaining quite a bit of traction recently is ChatGPT. Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, otherwise known as ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that was initially released on November 30, 2022. The AI system was developed by the AI research organization OpenAI. ChatGPT essentially gives any user the ability to ask or command the AI to do anything, whether answering a question or generating a prompt.
The effectiveness and efficiency of ChatGPT have captured the attention of a lot of people over the past year, leading to a mass increase of students utilizing it for their studies. There can be many benefits to such a method. Students can receive feedback and guidance quickly, while also being able to access a wide range of resources for studying.
Jake Mallow, a journalist writing for the eLearning Industry shared his perspective as to why ChatGPT has grown in recent popularity “By providing personalized support and guidance to students, ChatGPT is helping to improve academic performance and make education more accessible than ever before.”
However, while ChatGPT does have its merits it is ultimately harmful in the long run. Most of the benefits that can be found within ChatGPT assume absolute integrity out of the student, an integrity that unfortunately most students don’t possess. Students are typically more likely to use ChatGPT as an easy way to cut corners on their assignments by using it to get quick answers or worse, having it write out their essays for them. Overreliance on AI also stunts critical thinking and the ability to retain information. By constantly using ChatGPT as a crutch, it removes the process of trial and error which is an essential part of education.
Another journalist writing for the student-run news site The 1851 Chronicle, Harley LaCardo exclaimed the harmful effects that a poor use of AI can inflict “Relying on ChatGPT for answers without genuine comprehension can hinder a student’s ability to learn and apply knowledge effectively.”
LaCardo elaborates on her previous statement “They could become overly reliant on the software since it can generate assignments, essays, or answers, leading to a lack of effort in their learning.”
Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, behaviors, values, attitudes, and preferences. Effective learning can eventually boil down to putting one’s efforts into grasping the understanding of various topics thoroughly to the extent of being able to teach it to others, applying and or connecting it to real life. Eventually, creating something new or improving already existing things.
Thanks to modern apps and websites (ChatGPT, Photomath, Mathway, Course Hero, SparkNotes, etc), creating easier and faster ways to break down new information. It is only up to the user to efficiently use them to aid in their learning experiences. This means not copying down answers but understanding the steps the AI took and checking your work to find your mistakes to improve your skills whether it’s in math, physics, or any other courses. Course Hero and SparkNotes can provide you with a quick summary and analogies, however, won’t be able to conjure your opinion for essays, but it can help you develop a deeper understanding of the topic you are reading about. Stop running away, start learning today. Use tech to learn not cheat!