Bathroom Conditions

Rich Wang

The school bathrooms are in terrible condition. Trash is all over the ground, it smells terrible, and so on. While a few of these are due to factors out of our control, some of them are also because of the irresponsibility of several people.

Honestly, I find it really annoying that the bathrooms are the way they are right now. It’s especially annoying when I go in and one of the first things I notice is the smell. Also, I keep noticing that there is toilet paper all over the floor. But one of the worst things is the water pressure at the sinks and toilets. When you push the lever, the toilets don’t flush. You have to stomp on the lever to flush the toilet.

As for the sinks? Either they spray out water too hard, let the water trickle out slowly, or just flow normally. However, it’s mostly that the sinks let the water out too fast or too slow. The worst part is that the water pressure suddenly changes whenever someone flushes the toilet. It’s really annoying when you’re washing your hands and suddenly the water goes from flowing out to slowly trickling out.

The worst factor is the behavior of the students themselves. The bathrooms are bad enough with the smell, but there are students who make it worse. They leave messes all over the floor and generally make it a bad experience to be in the bathroom. Seriously, sometimes instead of getting it in the toilet bowl, it gets all over the floor and toilet seat. Even if someone does a “number two,” they sometimes don’t flush. A few times, I even saw “number two” smeared all over the toilet seats. Really? Is someone trying to piss off the janitor/custodian/whatever-the-job-is-called?

Of all the things I see in the bathroom, nothing disgusts me more than the lack of etiquette. When it’s lunch, I go in to relieve myself and I see people walk out without flushing or washing their hands. That’s pretty gross, to go eat lunch without washing your hands after using a bathroom hundreds of people use. Oh, and let’s not forget the curse words and multiple drawings of male genitals on the walls and in the stalls.

Honestly, it really annoys me whenever I see things like this. It’s disgusting to see that someone didn’t flush the toilet after using it. So everyone, please flush and wash your hands after using the bathroom so the bathrooms can be cleaner and not smell as bad. And for the sake of sensitive people, DON’T DRAW GENITALS ON THE WALLS AND IN THE STALLS! That way, our janitor/custodian/whatever-the-job-is-called will have an easier time doing his job and it’ll be easier to use the bathroom without having to deal with issues that other people leave us to experience.