7 Earth sized planets

Casydee Alvarado, Staff Writer

taken from arstechnica.com

Astronomers recently spotted 7 planets about the same size as earth. The planets are all orbiting a tiny star and may be able to support life. The tiny star, Trappist-1, is about 40 light years away, which would take us millions of years for us to reach.

Conditions in some of the planets have an atmosphere that could be suitable for water. Due to how small the star is, it leaves the temperature cool.  Astronomers that are researching the planets are closely observing to see if the climate or conditions change.  Three of the planets seem habitable; they estimate that these planets mass is rocky and may contain oceans. To observe the planets, researchers used a telescope called TRAPPIST (Transiting planets and planetesimals small telescope).

TRAPPIST-1 is still a young star; after our sun dies the star will still be there for a trillion years. If there were to be another place for life to carry on, the star system seems to be the place.