

Source- http://ryersonstudentaffairs.com/what-we-should-learn-from-oscarssowhite/

Joshua Hudson, Staff Writer

The #OscarsSoWhite campaign, founded by April Reign, has gained support from a lot of people, but has also been condemned by some. In my opinion, anyone that wishes to stand up for the oppressed, underrepresented minority groups should support the campaign. Some induviduals believe that #OscarsSoWhite is only about black actors receiving recognition for their work, but is also about the unrecognized work of many minorities.

Cultural appropriation is also a major problem that movie companies are famous for promoting and allowing. Not only is it completely disrespectful to the culture or race that is being copied, but it can also be seen as a mockery. There are some award shows that have been created by minorities to give themselves recognition, but yet do not completely excuse the Oscars’ blatant disrespect of all the hard work that African – American, Hispanic, Asian, LGBT and many other minorities put into perfecting their craft. Directors, editors and producers that are not the perfect white model the “Hollywood” and the Academy Motion Picture Arts & Sciences wants to promote.

Some people say that this year, #OscarsSoWhite is not necessary because actors and actresses of color are nominated but in the words of April Reign, “One year does not correct the omission of recognition of people from traditionally underrepresented communities for over 90 years by the Academy.”

I do not support the “Academy” and refuse to stop promoting this campaign because of that one year, in which they felt pressured into nominating people of color.