Protests Over Trump’s Actions

Rich Wang, A&E Editor

You know how a president’s first one hundred days are the most successful? It looks like it won’t happen this time. Three of Trump’s recent actions have sparked outrage among many people. Although one has been repealed by the Supreme Court, there are those who are still upset.

We all know about Trump’s force-Mexico-to-build-a-wall-and-have-them-use-their-own-money-to-pay-for-it plan. As a result, people protested and Mexico refused to do what Trump said. Now, Mexico City is filled with protests, with many people furious about how Trump labeled them as criminals and rapists. The protests have been so fierce that it includes setting papier-mâché effigies of Trump on fire. In fact, the protests are so extreme that security guards have to keep an eye on the crowds.

Another action was the banning of immigration from several countries in the Middle East. This sparked protests at LAX. They were led by Muslim women and others who were angry at what can be perceived as a xenophobic action. Fortunately, the Supreme Court overruled the action and now immigration is allowed again.

What may be the most reckless move Trump has made was to order the pipeline to be continued. The pipeline project was halted due to the fact that in order to finish it, it would have to go through a Sioux tribe reservation. Chaos ensued the moment the pipeline got permission to go through the reservation. The natives protested against the executive order, and many people joined in. The protest became so fierce that authorities fired rubber pellets and small bags of sand at the protesters. One man commented that it was wrong; he stated that a person would be arrested and go to jail if they dug even one scoop of dirt out of the ground in the reservation, yet workers could build a pipeline across the reservation and not get in trouble.

As of now, people are still angry at what has happened, but there is not much that can be done. In the end, the only thing we can do is hope for the best.