The End It Movement

February 16, 2017
On February 23rd, the End It Movement will look to shine light and spread awareness on the issue of slavery. They are encouraging people to put a red “X” on their hand to support the movement.
Slavery, at least in the United States, is rarely thought of on a regular basis and isn’t seen as a huge issue. Given that slavery was banned in the U.S. in 1865 (except for criminals, that is), some Americans believe it doesn’t happen anymore. However, according to their site, approximately 20 million people are still in slavery. Additionally, one in five slaves are children.
So far, the organization has raised more than $4 million. Peyton Manning, formerly a quarterback for the Colts and Broncos, has participated in spreading awareness in the past. Join him and others on Thursday, February 23rd to help bring an end to slavery.