Community Bonding During COVID

My bicycle that I use to do exercise with.
May 2, 2020
During these times one wonders what’s going on in other people’s life. Is my neighbor okay? Does the old lady on the other street need someone to get her groceries and is she still getting her daily walks? If these thoughts aren’t going through your mind then you’re probably well off or maybe you’re struggling as well.

Recently I went to my mailbox and saw a note on the side which I didn’t pay much attention to but then, of course, my curiosity got the better of me. Once I realized what the note said I immediately dialed the number and waited to see if they would answer.
The lady, known as Mrs. Petersim answered on the second ring and asked who I was and I said I saw her note. She then said, “Oh yes I was wondering if you could help me pick up my groceries because I’m quite old and I don’t really know how to use the internet.” Being the good person that I am I said, “Sure just give me a list of what you would like and I’ll gladly pick it up for you.
She asked for simple things like produce and some cereal. She told me she’d give me her address so I could go pick up the money but I told her it wouldn’t be necessary. She said,” No no please come pick up the money.” I told her I had extra money and not to worry about it since the things she asked for were inexpensive. Thankfully I’m way better off than most people and am still working because of my side job a sticker business. She agreed and let me get her groceries. I delivered them to her door and she waved through her window and said thank you. She’s a tiny lady so she doesn’t need much.

My friend Elly has a grandma that lives in Eastvale but she’s been studying abroad and living in New York for a while now and she usually pays for a little bakery business to deliver baked goods like cookies and little sandwiches to her grandmother and friends. But due to the current climate of everything that’s been going on the bakery closed.
Elly called me on the phone and asked, “Hey Y I was wondering if you could be kind enough to deliver some sandwiches and baked goods to my grandma and friends, don’t worry about the money I’ll pay for it.”
I told her sure and that I could buy the supplies but she had already deposited money into my bank account by the time I told her. She said,” Could you deliver it in the morning, not every day but about 4 times a week?” I said yeah, of course, don’t worry about it. Her grandma and her friends live a couple of miles away from me so I decided to bike there since I need to do exercise. I wrap up various baked goods and sweets and deliver them to their doorsteps. Her grandma and her grandma’s friends know me so they’ll wave through the window with big smiles every time I go to their house.
There are simple things like sending a letter to retirement homes that are simple ways of helping. You don’t need to go out of your way to help but be aware of the people around you.