People Resulting to Baking in Lockdown

While the nation is in lockdown many residents have been experimenting with baking.


While the nation is in lockdown many residents have been experimenting with baking.

Jazmyn Andrews, Journalist

As all of the nation is in lockdown at the moment, most of American residents are staying at home and people are having more of an interest in baking. During this lockdown it is widely known that social distancing means only leaving the house when necessary, and since some grocery stores are limiting groceries, many people are cooking and baking from home. I believe that learning to bake and keeping busy while in lockdown is extremely rewarding. People being able to be rewarded by eating their own creations is quite important, while also allowing others to explore other interests that may not be common to the person. Also, by people exploring their new passions of baking, many are learning new skills with these activities.

Valeria Andrews, a college student, and also has taken a fascination in baking while being at home and she mentions,”I was not interested because I was too busy before.” Andrew Barrios, an ERHS student, gives his opinion on why baking has intrigued him,”baking is time consuming and rewarding in the end.”

Andrews had made sugar cookies, and chocolate chip cookies and she loves the end result of eating them, and her goal in quarantine for baking is,”to perfect the best chocolate chip cookie recipe.” Barrios has made different sweets such as banana bread, cornbread, cake, and coffee cake and adds his personal experience with baking,”I’ve always baked on my free time and my favorite part is seeing if it tastes good.”

Jazmyn Andrews
Muffins baked by Jazmyn Andrews, next to a vase of flowers, a simple setting to eat and relax while at home.

Being week 6 in quarantine, I have made various different recipes such as banana muffins, cookies, cake, and cinnamon rolls. Many of these recipes can be found all over social media such as Tik Tok and various cooking and baking websites.