Self-Care For Activists


It is no doubt that political activism requires an immense amount of mental and physical energy. Activists go from reading to educate themselves to exerting their time and effort to educate others to arguing to organizing and organizing and organizing. It is heartbreaking seeing trolls waste their time harassing activists, whether through social media or in real life. It is not easy being an activist and having to fight for your own humanity 24/7. It’s even dangerous.

This is a reminder for all activists to take care of their own mental and physical health. I’ve generated a list of things you can do to help rejuvenate your soul to prepare for the days you bounce back.


When practicing self-care, make sure to NOT:

  1. Check social media. It can pull you back into a loop of unnecessary and unprepared negativity. Avoid social media, or log into your private social media accounts for a break.
  2. Don’t talk politics. Again, this will draw you back into negativity that you need a break from first. Politics has a time and place. Right now, your mental health is priority.


When practicing self-care, make sure you DO:

  1. Exercise. This helps you take a break from social and take your mind off politics.
  2. Take relaxing baths. Face masks, hair masks, exfoliating- whatever it is. Take some nice spa days once in a while to relax.
  3. Go out with friends. Make it clear to not bring up politics. Go ice skating, rollerblading, eating- doesn’t matter. Being in company with good people will help revitalize your mental health.
  4. Play with your hobby. Whether it’s painting or writing, spend your time doing things you enjoy and let your creative outlet soothe your battle wounds.
  5. Go shopping. Get yourself a new makeup palette or that sweater you’ve always wanted. Just don’t go overboard.
  6. Hang out with your pet all day.
  7. SLEEP. This is the most important. Rest as much as possible.
  8. Netflix all day. Take those lazy days and just relax.


It’s no joke being an activist. The constant demand in brain power will leave you exhausted. Taking care of your mental health is crucial. Remember that your mental state is priority. It is not selfish to put yourself first.


When you’re ready, come back out of your shell and fight ten times harder.