Senior Quotes Coming to ERHS

A design Jazmyn Andrews created to announce the senior quotes.
November 15, 2019

ERHS senior quotes instagram page
The new school year has been in session for a while now, and the senior class of 2020 has had some trials and tribulations in the first few months.
There have been many controversies about Senior Quotes not being added to the ERHS 2019-2020 yearbook circling around the senior class. In previous years, the senior quotes have been implemented and a great success, but earlier this school year, the yearbook staff announced that the senior’s quotes would not be inputted into the yearbook.
As expected, this caused many people to be upset which even led to one student starting a petition to get senior quotes back. Senior Sydney Eustaquio states, “I’ve been working on my quote since freshman year, so to see that we weren’t getting quotes was upsetting.” She also states, “Not only have I been working on my quote but I know that many others have as well. We put time and effort into our quotes.” Seeing the outrage of the student body, some members of yearbook staff decided to partner up with Delaney Dorsey, the person who started the petition, to give the student body what they want.
Yearbook took action into their own hands, and created a separate Instagram account, @erhsseniorquotes, to update students, staff, and families on the current situation of senior quotes. Currently, on the Instagram page, a link to a Google Form, will guide you to make the necessary requirements to submit your senior quote.
If you click the link in the bio, of the Instagram account to the Google Form, your information will be required such as an email address, student ID number, your senior quote and also a “back-up” quote in case the previous quote does not meet the requirements. Jason Issac, a senior but also a Yearbook member, mentions the necessary precaution while choosing a quote, “Keep it appropriate, no gang relations, cursing, vulgarity, or threats to others as well as the school.”

Wesley Han, a senior and a member of Yearbook, gives awareness while picking senior quotes as well, “Please use common sense, you know that it usually wouldn’t be stated in a normal book then don’t use it [in a quote].” As well as what Issac and Han stated, yearbook member Jacob Chow states, “Regulations on senior quotes are to not put something dumb or inappropriate because that was originally a problem with senior quotes.”
Many students, especially seniors were devastated to hear the infamous senior quotes were not being apart of their yearbook, but Isaac inputs his opinion on the whole situation, “I believe senior quotes are a fun and amazing thing, that have this misconception that they are a promise to the students. Instead they require a lot of effort, time, and resources, especially for a school so large.” Isaac is trying to explain the difficulty of senior quotes for the yearbook staff. Han also expresses his own opinion, “I personally really like the thought of senior quotes, it gives the person who bought it a way to express themselves or leave a message in the yearbook.”
Although there might be some disappointment from the student body about this year’s quotes, Jacob Chow states, “I believe that this is the best option as of right now. Although it is not very convenient to pay to have your quote in the yearbook, it’s the best we can do for our seniors.”
It may not be the most conventional way senior quotes has or will be done, however; it is a compromise between the yearbook staff and student body.

Senior quotes information about where & when to submit quotes as well as money