Spanish Honors Society Celebrates Dia De Los Muertos

Created by Yesenia Collado
November 9, 2019
El dia de Los Muertos most commonly known as Day of the Dead in America is celebrated in Spanish speaking countries throughout the world. Day of the Dead is typically celebrated on November 1 and November 2 because the first day is when the children visit and the second day is when the adults come to visit. Many families prepare alters and decorate the tombs of their passing ones. A couple of symbolic images and objects would be marigolds, skulls, and papel picado.
Spanish Honor Society wanted to commemorate the event on Friday. Unfortunately, there were many factors working against them, for one many teachers were no longer doing the festive traditions this year such as former Spanish teacher, Eva Isett, who used to have her students do paintings for Day of the Dead as decoration. The day was celebrated in the cafeteria which had the paintings made by students as well as various alters made by students from other teachers and with football having the cafeteria preoccupied that day for senior night, the cafeteria was no longer available. Although it wasn’t the typical Day of the Dead event it usually is it was a successful event nonetheless. For example, the club made money in the morning from selling sweet bread and hot chocolate so they can do more events and help the community. They did face painting during lunch and they had Sabor Latino dance as well for entertainment. They also hung the traditional Day of the Dead decorations in the quad.

I had a chance to ask the vice president Angie Lopez a junior, a couple of questions regarding whether she would change anything and she responded with, “I wouldn’t change a thing because I’m happy with the result and the way people were so engaged with the face painting and the music.”
I also got to ask the historian Jazzlyn Benavidez a senior at ERHS, about what she liked about the event and what she would’ve changed and she said, “What I liked about the event is that the students of Eleanor Roosevelt high school we’re coming up to ask you know why we celebrate anything bad and why do something that should be no more and why not everyone who celebrates it is Mexican or that not every Mexican celebrated it. Something that I might’ve worked for it to change was that more students were aware that it wasn’t anything like Halloween because I did get some students asking me or telling me that Halloween was yesterday so why do we still have paint on our face and to be respectful and understand that it is a meaningful holiday to many people.” The historian seemed to have a point because for many students on campus they were confused as to what was going on. Hopefully, this can bring awareness to the holiday which should be acknowledged and at the very least respected.