The Roosey Report
Pictured above, Roosey Report Logo
September 26, 2019
In a recent interview with senior, Jasmine Ikbariyeh she was asked, what do plan to accomplish during the club meeting? Ikbariyeh said, “Basically, we’re going to go over a system make sure that people who didn’t attend the last meeting join the GroupMe just because its an integral part of communication across campus. Were going to do some club share outs, expand on our new Google calendar which all clubs will have access to that way they can upload their events that way teachers staff and students can see. we are also going to have a google form where they can submit their advertisements for their club, meetings, and events. As well as inputting where they meet, what time they meet, what days, and general information.”
Then she was asked a follow-up question about how have these meetings helped the club community? Ikbariyeh then said, “I would definitely say so because even after just one ICC meeting. I’ve heard from a lot of people on this campus including admin specifically that the club culture has changed especially this year. It went as far as maximizing all the tables we had to the point we had to have two clubs per table [for club rush.] I definitely think that this mass communication and these new systems that are being implemented is definitely helping clubs on campus and I hope through future club meetings we can help integrate more clubs into the club culture and just make it a bigger thing on campus Make sure if you are a club leader you didn’t miss this important meeting. If you did make sure to contact @rooseysclubs on Instagram to get the update.”
If you’re a student make you join the club community by joining a club on campus. It’s a great way to get involved with your fellow peers and to make new friends. Who knows you might find a new hobby or interest you never knew of. Just to name a few Key Club, Productivity Project Club, the Flava Club, Book Club, Vietnamese Pop Dance Club, Sabor Latino, Polynesian Club, Habitat for Humanity and so many more. Make sure to check out the club Instagram for many more clubs and club updates.