ERHS Powder Puff
The junior team poses for a picture after winning the game on May 10.
May 17, 2019
On May 10 at the Mustang Stadium, the class of 2020 juniors went against the class of 2019 seniors at the annual Powder Puff game. Unlike the regular football season, the girls partake in the football while the guys cheer them on and excite the crowd along the sidelines.

The number 20 on these players’ jerseys shows that they are from the class of 2020.

Lots of ERHS students came out to support their fellow juniors and seniors at the game.

Powder Puff cheerleading squad alongside fellow supporting students.

Student crowd surfing in the student section

Junior and Senior players shaking hands after the game.

Senior players cheering on their teammates on the sidelines.

These students played for the junior team at the Powder Puff game.

Several posters like these decorated the stands at the game.

Jeremy Goins and Kim Lawe supporting Powder Puff.

Juniors who played during Powder Puff.

Senior players cheering on their teammates on the sidelines.

Junior players holding the winning ball after the game.

Junior Skylar Swalm supporting her fellow teammates.

The student section at Powder Puff

Panoramic Picture of Mustang Stadium bleachers.

Senior players cheering on their teammates on the sidelines.

Junior and Senior players shaking hands after the game.

Panoramic Picture of Mustang Stadium.

Some offensive linemen on the junior team pose after winning the game.

Defensive players on the junior team pose for a picture after the game.