Teen Dating Violence Awareness Day
Pictured above, the ERHS Quad.
March 8, 2019
On Friday, March 1, the Peer Counseling program here at Eleanor Roosevelt High School held a “Teen Dating Violence Awareness Day” during lunch in which they handed out resources to students through flyers. The peer counselors also brought awareness to the day by having students post on social media using #LoveIsRespect while giving out free candy.
Many students turned out for the free candy, but left with something greater, they left with the knowledge of the prevalence and signs of dating violence and information about spotting it, and stopping it. Take a look below of many peer counselors, students, and our school decked out in love and respect in solidarity of “Teen Dating Violence Awareness Day.”
A Snapshot of the Lunchtime Activities

Pictured above, Riley Udenze showing his awareness.

Pictured above, Antony Olson passing out resources for Peer Counseling.

Pictured above, Julia Guadalupe painting Ainsley Loyd’s hand.

Pictured above, Amber Munoz and another student managing the Peer Counseling booth.

Pictured above, a poster made by Peer Counseling.

Pictured above, a poster made by Peer Counseling.

Pictured above, Noelle Rose Hardin and Joshua Dineros’ Peer Counseling hearts.

Pictured above, a resource provided by Peer Counseling.

Pictured above, Michelle Contreras and Rishu Duwal managing the Peer Counseling booth.

Pictured above, Alondra Alvarenga spreading awareness.

Pictured above, F building stairs with quotes spreading awareness.

Pictured above, a poster made by Peer Counseling hung in the quad.

Pictured above, Bree Groby showing a resource given by Peer Counseling.