In N Out and Starbucks Opening in Eastvale

February 8, 2019
On January 1st, 2018, the City of Eastvale proposed the plan of a new In n Out restaurant. The restaurant was proposed to be 3,880-square feet with a drive through, and the outdoor seating area sits 133 guests. Eastvale the Mayor of Eastvale, Clint Lorimore released this statement, “We are excited that In n Out has decided to open a new location in our young, growing community.” Not only was the new In n Out proposed, but the newest Starbucks was also proposed. The Starbucks and In n Out will be located on the southeast corner of Cantu Galleano Ranch Road, and Hamner Avenue.
The Starbucks shop, and drive thru opened this Thursday, February 7th, and In n Out will open today, February 8th. With the opening of two new restaurant businesses it not only provides our Eastvale residents with new places to dine, but it provides jobs, and not just jobs for anyone, jobs even for our Mustang students.
I got the chance to ask Raquel Guzman, a junior here on campus and an employee of the new In n Out when the official opening on In n Out is, what about the new location she is most looking forward to. Raquel responded, ” The official opening day is this Friday, February 8th. I am looking forward to making friends with my new coworkers and just having a good time with the environment. I personally don’t believe we will have trouble with the business. Many people, as seen on social media, seem to be very happy that In n Out is finally opening in Eastvale; I think we’ll be pretty busy especially because Eastvale is growing, so th food options won’t be limited. I feel the customers should know that store #340 is super excited about opening up in Eastvale. We are ready to serve every customer who walks in because they are our #1 priorities from when they step foot onto the property up until they leave.”

Starbucks Employee