Giraffes: An Endangered Species


Giraffes are one of the most beautiful animals that have such a kind vibe and they are very innocent creatures. Unfortunately, these animals have jumped back and forth from the endangered species list but now they have officially went back on it. According to a new report from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, (IUCN), the global giraffe population is shrinking fast, and giraffes may be on their way to extinction.

Also due to the fact that human poachers often hunt them for their skins, meat, fur, and tails. Unfortunately these creature’s tails are often made into good luck bracelets and these animals are constantly being hunted down for their fur and just for the honest pleasure of others to go hunting. People take this hunting as a sport and they get awarded to be killing these animals and for that reason is in which why these animals population keeps decreasing.

The Trump administration has taken the first step to putting protection for giraffes under the Endangered species act. For years now biologists have warned organizations that the decrease in giraffes keep growing because of habitat loss, civil unrest, and poaching.

In Africa the population of giraffes has decreased by 40 percent in the past three decades according to the IUCN Since 2016, giraffes have been considered a “vulnerable species” because they are hunted for meat in Africa and they were increasingly targeted by trophy hunters.

I spoke with junior, Andrea Anderson and she said that “More animals keep going into extinction because of us, humans, many people do not worry or do anything about helping the wild life and it is sad because there are many beautiful animals that will be extinct in a decade from now.”

I also spoke with senior, Amber Gomez and she said a similar thing like Anderson, she mentioned, “Our biggest issue as a world is to care for the wildlife and it is sad seeing a beautiful animal like giraffes go on the endangered species list because people think it is ‘cool’ to hunt/ kill these precious animals.”