ERHS Band and Color Guard: Football Edition
October 24, 2018
As the fall sports season begins to draw to a close, so does the beloved Friday Night Lights here at ERHS. This also means that our ERHS Band and Color Guard programs begin to focus less on football halftime performances and more on their own season and competition.
Many of our hardworking band and color guard students enjoyed their time out on the football field performing for all of Eastvale, and below is a recap of photos taken of their performances throughout their time during Roosevelt’s latest football season. Go Mustangs!

Pictured above, ERHS, ARIS, and RHIS Band Performance.

Pictured above, ERHS Band prior to the Homecoming Football Game.

Pictured above, ERHS Band and Color Guard Halftime Performance.

Pictured above, ERHS Band Students after their Halftime Performance.

Pictured above, Gabe Genito and Madison Swanson.

Pictured above, Steven Kish and Carol Conghuyen.

Pictured above, ERHS Band students.

Pictured above, Christian DeJesus.

Pictured above, ERHS Band Students prior to the Homecoming Game.