How much do you know about LGBTQ History Month?

Aurielle Whitehead, Staff Writer

LGBTQ History Month is a month long celebration that happens in October for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer history, celebrating how much the community has overcome. They also celebrate important role models and how their community is continuing to grow.

Two famous advocates for the LGBTQ+ community  is Lady Gaga are Ellen DeGeneres.  Lady Gaga, a confirmed bisexual, is very proud of her sexuality; as well as Ellen DeGeneres, who is a very famous comedian and talk show host.

According to Malcom Lazin, Executive Director of the LGBT History Month website, “In 1994, Rodney Wilson, a Missouri high school teacher, believed a month should be dedicated to the celebration and teaching of gay and lesbian history, and gathered other teachers and community leaders. They selected October because public schools are in session and existing traditions, such as Coming Out Day (October 11), occur that month”.

Lazin also states that, “LGBT History Month emphasizes role models, builds the community,  and makes a civil rights statement their  extraordinary national and international contributions.”

While some may be unaware of LGBTQ+ history month, organizations and the media are trying to bring awareness to this cause as it’s an important topic in today’s society.

Lauren Torres, a junior here at ERHS provides some of her knowledge regarding this month as she states, “I do know what LGBTQ History Month is about. It is where the LGBTQ Community celebrates how far they’ve come in the past years. I’m also glad that a month like this exists, so maybe it’ll begin to educate people regarding the LGBTQ+ community.”

So Mustangs,  did you learn anything new about LGBTQ History Month? Comment down below if you did!