Fly Away with ERHS color guard!

Fly Away with ERHS color guard!

Audrey Simanton

At a first glance, some may look at color guard and think it’s not as strenuous compared to other athletic activities; being  on the receptive end of things, it’s easy for spectators to become disillusioned through appearances. Despite color guard’s  effortless appeal, The Roosevelt Review recently had the opportunity to interview some of its members, and its  definitely fair to say that  between the hours of practice and the dedication they put into everything color guard features some of the most extraordinary talent  displayed on this campus.

While walking around the color guard room, we found some ERHS varsity color guard girls willing to talk to us regarding their upcoming season.  Zoe Greenhow, a senior on ERHS color guard gave us some insight regarding hopes this year stating, “my expectation is to have the best year possible since it is my last year at Eleanor Roosevelt High School. I definitely  want to have fun because it’s  my last year, while still maintaining a professional  attitude towards the sport”.

With the ERHS color guard winter competition in the works we asked Mackenzie Piel, (also a senior on varsity) who gave us some insight regarding team bonding stating that, “Color guard has been working very hard and I am trying to keep the girls motivated throughout the whole season.”

As we continued to interview and interact with color guard members, it was noticeable how close the girls were with one another, and how they possessed an undeniable  bond that would last beyond high school. The captain of ERHS varsity guard, Tristin Castro, said “I love the girls like family and everyone has different personalities which makes being with them very fun.”

With Homecoming and other school wide events approaching soon, ERHS color guard is hard at work to bring spirit and pride to our school! . Their dedication, hard work, and grit deserves to be recognized and we can’t wait to see what this season has in store for  them. Good luck Color Guard!