Bring It: TV Review

March 18, 2018
Bring it is a TV series networked with Lifetime you can also watch this show on hulu. I’m only on season 2 so I haven’t gotten far but basically the show is all about The highest and the lowest of majorette teams battling each other in fierce competitions week after week I know crazy.The show is mainly focused around one of the best teams ever the Dancing Dolls lifetime follows them around to these competitions .But they don’t just show the Dancing Dolls competing at the competition they also film the crazy dance moms and the they also film the other teams. Their is five seasons of the show Bring it the show has lots of drama I think that helps brings in the audience also majorette is a different type of dancing it involves lots of twirls and gymnastics .The coach of the dancing dolls is also what makes the show interesting you never know how she will react to a situation she has a very strong personality she’s hard on the girls but she says it for the best.Roosevelts student Aalayah jones said “the show is good” . “I love Watching the girls compete against each other”.You can catch bring it on life time Friday’s and Saturday’s .