Why ACP Punishment is unnecessary

Photo from Google Play
March 9, 2018
In high school, punishments are not like how they were growing up as a kid. You see, We high school kids have these consequences called Saturday school, lunch detention, and ACP for some of the “mischievous” acts we commit on campus.
For instance, if you are late to school, you get a slip telling you to attend lunch detention. And if you do not go, you have to go on Saturday and spend four hours in a classroom doing nothing. Then, if you do not attend Saturday school you get pulled out of class during the week and have to sit in a classroom for the whole day doing nothing.
It is very ignorant to me why the administration goes so far to torment kids who sometimes cannot even control being on time to school or just simply can not attend Saturday school.
Now I understand where admin is coming from by giving out lunch detentions and have the student learn their lesson, but taking the kid out of class? Really? School is all about getting your education and not missing school in the first place and making sure we are present for all of our classes. ACP should not be a thing at all.
It is irrelevant and it should be substituted with something else. There has to be another strategy to punish the student for not following the school rules. Maybe the school can schedule a meeting with their parents see what is going on, or just give students a certain amount of times you can be late, and if you exceed the limit, then further action will be taken.

I know what it is like to be in lunch detention, ACP, and Saturday School. It is not the best thing and it feels like a waste of your day, but then again, I did put myself in that situation. I just feel like if I am going to miss my classes it better be for a good reason, not me being late to school. I do agree with our school by making Academic Saturday School and making Saturday School worth going to. The tutoring that is given on Saturdays are very helpful and it is a perfect way to have kids who were tardy to school, make up for their mistakes.
Senior David Agba at Roosevelt states how he has never gotten ACP but “knows that it is a bogus concept and should be taken away.” His friend alongside of him agreed as well, Brycen Morton by saying “school is suppose to be fun and educational even if you are late to class.”
I know a lot of things can and cannot change. ACP has been around for as long as I remember, but I feel like ACP is something that needs to be gone. It is bad for kids to miss a whole days of work and new lessons that teachers are providing. Find another way to punish students. There are multiple choices and ideas for this.