Keaton: The little kid whose life changed drastically
December 14, 2017
Keaton, the kid who blew up on social media for his mental disabilities and told his mother he was being bullied at school, has now become the talk of towns on the web. His mother recorded a video of him expressing confusion as to why kids at his school bullied him and why they treated him differently from everyone else at school. With tears running down his face, Keaton responded “We can’t help that we are different. It’s not fair.”
People all over the media were encouraging Keaton to stand up tall and to keep pushing through the hate from actors such as Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo to singers like Rihanna and athletes in basketball and baseball. Actor Chris Evans even reached out to Keaton on Twitter inviting him to a screening for the up and coming Avengers: Infinity War movie.

Things took a turn when his family secret started to come to the light. It turns out his family are white supremacists as indicated from pictures of Keaton and his sister Kimberly holding Confederate flags on Facebook. She had stated to news reporters that she is “not a racist” according to Newsweek.
Kimberly said the photo was meant to be funny and not taken seriously, but what she fails to realize is that a lot of people do not support white supremacy. The media was bashing Keaton in such a horrible way and I think people are failing to realize that he is a kid that is raised in such a controversial time as today. He didn’t just come out of the womb wanting to be part of a family with hatred towards certain things.
People were willing to send the kid money for his conditions and have started GoFundMe’s, but were worried that the money was not going to be used in the proper way from what people have discovered about his family history. If I were to donate money I would be worried about that as well, but from the way Keaton was crying in the video shows that he is really hurt and disturbed, and it is sad to see. Still, there are other kids in the world who are KILLING themselves as a result of excessive bullying. These are kids we are talking about here, and they’re not even teens yet who are taking their lives.
Another 10 year old schoolgirl, Ashawnty Davis, hung herself due to bullying, and although Keaton’s situation needs to be heard, I feel like these stories should be more out there for people to help her family as well. We all need to come together and be happy people…but it is hard when we live in the world we live in.