Our Generation and Its Resilience

Kevin Ta, Staff Writer

Nowadays, our society has grown a negative reputation;older generations tend to doubt our abilities and our knowledge to achieve things. Personally, I think the blame has shifted to us the same way people blame others for their frustration. As people grow older, they become busier due to family and work. As a result, it’s hard for people to handle all that change and frustration so instead they transfer their negativity to another subject, and most of the times, it’s the new generation. When in no doubt, they were just like us and as great as us. My generation has proven over and over that we can pass by any hurdles presented to us. Resilience isn’t just about simply not giving up in tough situations, it’s about being able to adapt and continue to improve to trample one’s grim situation. Even academically, we strive to improve ourselves even if it brings us to a low point. My friend, Avery Ramirez told me that he was at his “breaking point for AP Calculus, yet I kept going and passed”. It’s no doubt that due to his resilience that he was able to overcome his class, something that many people in high school has exhibited. I’ve met people that didn’t think they could make the team for a sport because they weren’t cut out for it. But, they kept practicing, and eventually that perseverance of theirs allowed them to achieve their goal. This resilience is shared among all of us and translates into everything we do: work, sports, bands, and many more. There will be many times life will feel like it’s against you, almost as if it’s a test of character,will, and strength—I think it’s the most important test of your life, to see how you can overcome it and from that you will mold yourself into who you want to be.

Resilience has been prevalent in us throughout human history, without it we wouldn’t be where we are today. We’ve been dealt with scientific issues regarding treating the sickly but we discovered more through animal testing, and pushed on to develop cures and treatments for: diabetes, asthma, kidney transplants—the list goes on. Even through technology, we have displayed and demonstrated our resilience by developing: virtual reality, GPS, and computers. Virtual reality simulates driving for people in training, GPS allows people to navigate the world, and computers makes thousands of jobs easier.  Life will throw many unexpected problems at us but we continue to discover more,thrive to gain greater, and advance further.