Nuestro Amor Prohibido: Selena Quintanilla

*photo provided by Google*
October 20, 2017
Imagine this, turning on your laptop after a long day of errands and getting ready to watch Netflix, but as soon as you open up the icon for internet you see Selena’s face on the Google Logo. The first thought that comes to the mind of a Latina is, “I forgot Selena’s anniversary!” Well maybe not all Latina’s, but I certainly did.
Now here’s the question we were all thinking, what exactly is Selena’s anniversary if she was born in April and died in March? Well, on October 17, 1989 Selena Quintanilla-Perez released her very first studio album.
Adriana Martinez, senior at ERHS, said, “I was confused when Google had a picture, because I knew her birthday and her death are not in October, so I had to Google it and it said the anniversary for Selena was for her first album in 1989.”
The Mexican-American idol who would have been 46 this year, was shot and killed by the president of her fan club. She had a big impact on Latino’s worldwide, even if she did not spend as much time on Earth. Selena’s death impacted people worldwide. Although, we did not have her here with us long enough to see the difference she could do, we continue to experience the impact of her death. Adriana said that she loves Selena so much because, “My family always listens to her and she’s also Mexican-American and I’m Mexican-American so I am able to relate to her.”

“Selena left a really big impact on young girls to stand up for themselves and be who they want to be,” Adriana mentioned, ” For the girls who are Hispanic but don’t speak Spanish very well, Selena also couldn’t be speak Spanish very well. Girls can relate to her by making them more connected to their culture through her music.” Selena you will always be in our hearts and minds, whether we are listening to your music or re-watching your movie for the 100th time, and still crying every time. Que descanses en paz.