
Hailey Morales, Staff Writer

High school heartbreaks suck. I know there’s a better word to explain this feeling but for now, I’m just going to say that they suck. Having someone constantly on your mind and seeing their name pop up on your phone, you get the complete butterflies, which can then turn into this amazing feeling. When you’re talking to this person, you don’t wanna listen to anybody when they say “be careful” or “don’t get too attached” because you believe that this person has the same thoughts and intentions as you do.

Personally, I think catching feelings is one of the scariest things you can do in life because people are strange: they can say one thing, but yet do another.

I know we’re all young but this doesn’t change your heart and I know for sure it doesn’t change mine. Texting someone and getting so used to being around them is great because you think that this is someone you’ll spend a really long time with in your adolescent life. Things change, though, and people change too and feelings can quickly change. You get so used to waking up and seeing a text from your crush and being able to have the same person to say goodnight to, but sometimes life doesn’t go your way.

Boys can say they’re feeling you but they’re really talking to someone else. You never really know nowadays in this generation. Falling in love can be very dangerous, especially being so young because people are never sure about what they want.

This generation is different than ever before. Nobody can ever be straight up and say what they’re feeling. If you want a relationship, let them know. If you want to stay friends, let them know. If you just want to hangout, let them know. It can all be so simple yet people choose to make things hard, leaving them hanging.

Everyone has feelings and people need to keep that in consideration. If you’re reading this and someone right now or in the future gives you his/her heart, please take care of it. They’ll thank you and you’ll thank yourself because you won’t feel horrible about yourself.

ERHS senior Adriana Martinez says, “If you really like someone and a guy is giving you signals that he doesn’t like you back, then you should take that into account and accept that he’s just not into you. You shouldn’t waste your time on boys when you have so much to focus on like school, family and friends. It’s okay to be sad over a boy for a little while but then at one point, you need to pull yourself together. We’re so young so we have time.”

Adding on to that, student Gisselle Guerrero says, “First I cry a lot when I get my heart broken and find ways to not think about it. When you do everything you can and someone doesn’t do the same things back, that’s how you find out someone not into you. Just know, we’re so young and there’s plenty of people that you will meet in the future.”

If you don’t like someone, let them know instead of saying “I’m not looking for a relationship right now.” Don’t be that person.

We’re young, let’s make the most out of these high school years where we can do what we want when we want and not have to worry about any consequences. Don’t get too caught up into these relationships, they don’t last anyways.