Thoughts on Gun Control
October 5, 2017
With all of the crazy shootings that have been going on in the past decade, people want guns gone. There are many pros and cons on why guns should and should not be banned. Everyone has to qualify to have a gun; you can’t just give it to a random person, but it seems like too many people are getting away with it to easily lately. While some do pay a lot for machine guns and other semi-automatic weapons; it just seems like many individuals are getting out of hand when it comes to guns and don’t have proper control when handling a dangerous weapon.
People purchase guns and simply want them for protection. Citizens in certain countries do not feel safe at times and believe that a gun is the most secure thing to have in the household. Then, people use guns to hunt animals for sport; some hunt and buy guns because they need food to put on their table, for them, guns are a necessity. But in certain countries, poaching has become a serious problem that has lead to the extinction of groups of animals. When wielding dangerous weapons, like fire arms, if they fall into the wrong hands the fallout can be devastating. In American, over the decades, many horrific deaths were caused because of people that abused the power of guns, and used it to harm instead of protecting. Bowling For Columbine, Sandy Hook, the tragic mass shooting in Vegas, and the shootings at churches and movie theaters.

The mass attack in Vegas has escalated the discussion over gun control. According to Associated Press, the man who shot the innocent victims, invested in two “bump-stocks”. Bump stocks are something you attach to your gun “that can convert semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic ones,” officials say. It is legal to purchase them, although it should not be. All these accessories that can be added onto guns should be legal, but it is unnecessary and makes the situation 20 times worse than it already is. According to New York Times and Associated Press, Democrats and Republicans have gathered and discussed the Bump Stocks situation, and how it should be illegal to purchase them.

Guns are also a problem in the youth community. Kids are out here shooting other kids and getting punished for it, which is a very sad situation because who knows what persuaded them to even pick up the weapon. Just this past Thursday, on September 27, two three-year-olds were shot by another toddler. Dearbon police said “a preliminary investigation revealed a toddler in the home accessed a handgun and the weapon discharged,” according to ABC News. This is where I say guns should be illegal. If parents cannot be cautious with their gun in the house, then just do NOT get one.
I then became very stuck in between the middle because there are other weapons out there than just guns. We have knives, switch blades, baseball bats, bombs, etc. A gun does do a lot of damage, but so do these. It is a very debatable situation; however, I do not think that enacting a law would make a HUGE impact. It is not the guns that is in issue, it is the people who pull the trigger and harm others.