College Bound Seniors

May 19, 2017
Congratulations to our Class of 2017! As seniors are finalizing their plans for the real world, we get to see the colleges they have accepted to in furthering their education. For many years, some of us have been dreaming about that glorious day in which we finally finish high school and that dreams are no longer a distant reality. Time has gone by so fast and we wouldn’t have been able to accomplish our goals without the support and motivation we have gotten from the people who wish us all the best. Some popular schools that the Class of 2017 will be attending include Cal State Fullerton, San Francisco State University, East Bay State University, UC San Diego, UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, Cal Baptist University, and Riverside Community College. Thank you to those who have decided to join the Air Force, Marines, and Army. People say that the college years are supposed to be the best years of our life. As Mustangs, we have always been the best at getting better and hopefully we continue to do so once we start our new lives. Everyone has strived for this diploma and every action we do after we step out of high school will truly make an impact to our world which we are now involved with.