The Samsung S8 and S8+ Are Out!
The Samsung S8 has been released to the U.S. beginning April 21, 2017.
The phone features an exciting, new iris scanner and face scanner as alternatives to a phone passcode or fingerprint scanner. The fingerprint scanner has been placed to the back of the phone next to one of the most crisp smartphone cameras in the market competing alongside the iPhone 7 and Google Pixel. Samsung has established its success in the previous Samsung Edge phone designs and transferred that popular, curved and melting-over-the-edge model. They have also taken a step into ridding itself of the three physical buttons at the bottom of the phone, from the home button to the touchscreen, giving it a more sleek and modern look. The S8 is also water and dust resistant, allowing the user to lessen their worries when the technology is exposed to environmental stress.
The Samsung S8 will feature a 5.8” height and the S8+ will be 6.2”. It will provide a color scheme of black, silver, gold, blue, and grey. The price is ranging from $750-$960 on Samsung’s website, eBay, and Amazon with unlocked options.

My name is Joyce Zhong and I am a senior at ERHS. My social media is notorious for my controversial opinions and radicalism, which will be transferred...