Riddles and Jokes 4/10/17-4/14/17

Riddles and Jokes 4/10/17-4/14/17

Rich Wang


  1. A cowboy went to a town on Friday. Three days later, he left on Friday. How is this possible?
  2. Papa Frog says “croak.” Mama Frog says “ribbit.” What does Baby Frog say?
  3. What does a car lose when it turns?


  1. We could make pencils with both ends being erasers, but then there would be no point for writing with them.
  2. Which Pokémon is a dinosaur named after a planet?
  3. Why did the shark go to the doctor?



  1. His horse was named Friday.
  2. Nothing! A baby frog is a tadpole!
  3. Speed.


  1. no answer
  2. Venusaur!
  3. His lunch tasted fishy!