Ever wanted to create a fun magazine about yourself? Well, we just had a zine event in our library on Wednesday. What is a zine? Well, a zine is a way to express yourself and your ideas and connect with people. You can do it by showing art, music, pictures, drawings, and magazine pictures on paper that represent who you are. This is cool because you can talk about yourself in a fun way not be shy about it and have confidence. In an interview with Brianne Leber who is part of Zine and was part of journalism in ERHS, I asked her why she wanted to bring Zine to our school.
Brianne Leber said, “I think that zines are great in an expensive way for students to be able to express themselves especially when sometimes like when I needed it in high school it felt like I did not have any avenues to share the things I wanted so it is just a great way for students to be the narrator of there own story and be the experts of there own topics.”
In another interview with Spencer Jacobson who is with Brianne in Zine, I asked him why do you like Zine.
Jacobson said, “I like zines because I’ve always learned about so many things because you don’t get taught so much about it in high school or even in community college which I am in right now and so you get to learn about things, and have conversations about topics that normally don’t get talked about.”
If you have never done a zine I encourage you to give it a try.
Well, here is my zine story for you I hope all of you have a great day see you in the next one, bye. (here are pictures I took of the zine event.)