Last Tuesday, March 4th, Riverside County held a science/engineering and history fair for students from 9th-12th grade, and a couple of winners were from ERHS. There were many projects from students all over middle and high school. For history, it was a single-person project, seventeen ERHS students competed, and four projects advanced to the California state competition, which will take place in May.
For science/engineering, it was more of a group project, thirteen students were there. Four won the gold medal and will advance to the California State Science Fair.
I interviewed two teachers from Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Marcie Walker, and Celina Longazo who work in the STEM building.
I asked Marcie Walker how was the history fair she said “I felt really excited because we had a lot of students from our school to be able to participate at the county level and we did a really good job. We have four projects that are going to be moving on to state in May and we have students coming from a lot of different categories, we have websites and documentaries that are going on a lot of different topics in history it is really cool that we have grown the number of students participating every year.”
I asked Celina Longazo how was the science and how she felt she said.
“I feel really great about it. It’s my first year as the coordinator we had people compete at the district level from 9th-12th grade we had about fifteen projects and then nine of those went to the county and four of them are going on to the state level for state level. We have sophomores through seniors and they put in a lot of work in it they are able to gain scholarships and internships from being at the state level.
That concludes my story thanks for reading see you in the next bye.