An alien could be defined as many different definitions. Aliens are typically thought of as a green goblin-like creature. However, aliens could also just be a myth and things that people just made up.
Many people believe that aliens could be real or they could just be a myth. There have been many possible sightings of aliens throughout the years but nothing has ever been confirmed. There have been thousands of possible sightings but everyone dismisses them. The thought of us being alone in the universe seems unrealistic. It feels like there has to be more life somewhere else in our universe.
Kason Schelling, a freshman at Eleanor Roosevelt High School, believes that we are not alone. Schelling said, “Because of how massive our solar system is, I believe there is a good chance that an entire population of living things that we have never seen before, are somewhere else in space.”
When people talk about aliens, we are talking about a living thing. This doesn’t have to be a creature, it could simply be a plant or some other living thing.

Kason Schelling later said, “I believe we are looking at aliens all wrong and that aliens most likely look nothing like how we perceive them to be.”
Many astronauts believe that we are not alone. The universe is too big to know what is on other planets or other places in the universe. We have only explored 5% of our entire universe. There is so much more in our universe that has not been explored. This means that there could be life in the other 95% of the universe.
Deegan Yanez, a freshman at Eleanor Roosevelt high school also believes that aliens could exist. Yanez said, “It is kind of crazy how we are the only planet with life.” He later said, “Maybe not for awhile, but I believe we will be in contact.”
However, some people disagree with these statements and believe that we are the only life. These reasons may include religion or they don’t feel that there is enough evidence or many other reasons. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
We may never truly know what other life is out there until we explore more of our universe.