Before I begin this article, I would like to make it clear that I align myself with no political party, and this is purely my opinion as a citizen of the United States. With that said, do you remember doing the Pledge of Allegiance in elementary school? The whole class would stand with hands over their hearts, reciting the pledge in unison, every single day. Unfortunately, that is not how it’s been in all of the classes I’ve been in here at Eleanor Roosevelt High School. In fact I usually witness the pledge being completely ignored by a majority of the class, with students often talking right over the person reciting it on the loudspeakers. Believe it or not, I’ve also seen teachers ignore it.
I highly doubt that anyone who ignores or has ignored or chosen not to stand for the pledge at this school does so out of dislike for America or what it stands for, I just believe they don’t see it as important or necessary.

Although it isn’t necessary, I believe that it is important as Americans to show respect to the flag that represents all of the freedoms and liberties we enjoy in the USA. You can’t argue the fact that no matter what race, religion, or gender you are, or even if you say you hate the country, you still enjoy freedoms and opportunities in this place that are near unmatched anywhere else.
US history teacher Mr. Wingate is someone I notice always participates in the morning pledge. “I think it’s important as a teacher for me to stand for those other students who want to stand as well,” he said when asked why he believed in doing so. “but I also think it’s important to role model that we live in a wonderful country, that we should show loyalty, that we should show honor, we should show that we love this country and all that it stands for.”
“Taking part in the pledge is an honor,” said my dad Ed Lopez. “I believe the United States is the greatest nation in the world and I’m blessed to live here. When I stand for the pledge of allegiance, I want to honor those who died and continue to fight for the things we have here.”
We may not always agree with what our politicians and government says or does, and yes, the US has a flawed past, but it’s pretty crazy to think that we live in a country that even allows us to sit during something such as the pledge. Similar offenses are serious crimes in some other countries, but America is not like other countries. America is a beautiful land where everyone everywhere can voice their opinions and believe in what they want to believe. So sure, it’s not necessary to stand for the pledge, but I believe it is important to show some respect for your country, which is a country that gives you the choice to sit or stand and whose liberties we take for granted every day, the USA.