Friday, the battle of the bands took place after school at 5:00 p.m. at the Quad, and the show started at 5:30. Also, make sure to bring your chairs, money, snacks, blankets, and friends.
bands are from students at ERHS, as well as students from high schools all over the district. And there will be a teacher band, made up of teachers from Roosevelt, to kick off the show. The bands playing this year are: The Bagels, In Danger of Falling (teacher band), maybetmrw, sunday jam, applestatic, Bewitched, AM10, STRIKEBELOW, Karved, and Sugar Bombs. I like the names because of how creative students are.
Many of these bands are friends who came together, have a future in music, or enjoy playing.
Two seniors at Roosevelt directed this event, and they like to have fun, Ashlynne Adeva and Max Wagoner, both brought Battle of The Bands together this year. I interviewed both of them and asked why they both wanted to direct it they said.
¨We brought the idea to our school last year in our lead class and over these last two years we have been able to develop a large community-wide event with over 350 attendants this year, and 10 bands performing,” explains Wagoner, “It has been cool to see the growth throughout these two years.” he says.
¨I am happy to see that Battle of The Bands is a great success.” Says Adeva.
I am excited to see how The Battle of Bands went, and how much fun it was to be enjoying the time with your friends and family. As well as hearing music, and having snacks. I hope people had a great time, seeing how all the bands played.
It is cool to hear that a teacher band was there showing off their talent to the audience and having a great time. Well, that concludes my story, Battle of The Bands, I hope you enjoyed reading my article, have a great day!