This week marks the beginning of sweater season, and what better way to celebrate than with festive music? While some people have just started their Christmas playlist, others have been belting Mariah Carey since October.
But how early is too early?
The great holiday debate has been around for centuries. While there’s no “right” time to start listening to Christmas music, some prefer to wait until after Thanksgiving. After all, Thanksgiving offers many unique elements of its own. It’s arguably the most laid-back holiday, with feasts, football games, and quality time with family and friends. However, Thanksgiving remains somewhat the middle child of the holiday season.

“I feel like Thanksgiving is really overshadowed by Christmas, and Halloween overshadows the time before Christmas,” student Irwin Jung said. “I feel like too many stores celebrate Christmas way too early, like as soon as Halloween is done, you can hear Christmas music.”
Depending on your perspective, music can tie into the commercialization of holidays. Festive decorations set the tone for consumer culture by hyping up sales and holiday shopping.

That being said, Christmas isn’t without its charm, nor is its signature soundtrack. There’s something about Christmas music that brightens the mood. This is what makes it so enjoyable. Whether it be nostalgia, joy, or relaxation, Christmas songs allow people to breathe in the holiday spirit.
Others argue that Christmas music can become repetitive and cliche. Some radio stations, such as Sirus XM or KOST switch to Christmas music in early November. For some, this holiday overload can lose its magic.
However, it’s also worth noting that not all Christmas music is the same. There are many subcategories within the genre, from traditional carols to contemporary covers.
Elsie Ehrenberg, president of Roosevelt’s Treble Concert Choir points out that, “So many artists have been releasing their versions of songs we grew up with. You could listen to the same song at least 10 times and all 10 would be different.”
So whether you’re just tuning into the Christmas radio, or have been for months, holiday music remains an important part of the season.