Soulmates are the belief that you feel emotionally connected to a certain person. Soulmates make people feel as if their souls are connected. Soulmates do not limit themselves to their partners, soulmates can also be best friends or pets. Some argue that Soulmates exist and everyone will eventually find their soulmate. Others argue that soulmates are just a myth and they do not exist.
In Greek Mythology, there is a story of how soulmates were created. The Greek Myth says that originally humans were created with four arms, four legs, and 2 heads. Zeus was afraid of their power so he split them into 2 bodies. The 2 bodies are supposed to spend the rest of their lives looking for their other half.

Believing in soulmates is an ancient idea that is not believed by everyone. Soulmates is the true deep love between one thing and another. Some people believe that soulmates do not exist and there is simply just falling in love or 2 living things that just click and work together. The idea of having 2 living things find each other no matter what is hard to believe for some people.
Scientifically, soulmates are not proven to be true. Experiments have been done by individuals and it turns out that around 60% of Americans believe in soulmates. Others in the survey are unsure or just do not believe in them.
This topic is very controversial. Jakob Venegas, a senior at ERHS, does not believe in the concept of soulmates. Venegas said,
“I think that some people can be very in love to where it seems like they were made for each other, but I don’t think that 2 people can be made for each other.”
However, Amaya D., a student in the district, does believe in soulmates. Amaya said,
“The definition of soulmates to me is someone who can relate to and connect with on a deeper level, I feel that finding someone that is similar to you can be a rare encounter so when that person is introduced in your life you might feel like they are the one and only person for you.”