Season four of “Outer Banks” could be the craziest season ever.
With the return of Netflix’s treasure-hunting series comes chaos and drama. Outer Banks revolves around a class war between the Pogues and the wealthy people, also known as the Kooks. The dynamics between the Kooks and the Pogues are a key factor of the plot. Last season, John B., Sarah, Pope, Kiara, JJ, and Cleo, also known as the Pogues, discovered El Dorado, which is the city of gold. Eighteen months later in season four, the Pogues are dealing with property tax and other issues as they try to re-create Poguelandia from the money they got from El Dorado’s gold. This is only for a few episodes until they are hired for a new adventure. This time, the Pogues are looking for Blackbeard’s lost treasure, but of course, the journey comes with its challenges.
On top of the Pogues hunting for the treasure, there is also another crew trying to hunt for the treasure. In the season finale of season four, the Pogues are in Morocco to find the blue crown, Blackbeard’s treasured artifact, and to capture Chandler Groff, who turnes out to be JJ’s biological father. He steals the map to the treasure from JJ and leaves him to die at sea. The Pogues were after the Blue Crown so they could sell it and buy Poguelandia back. Rafe is also in Morocco to find Chandler Groff and take back his end of the deal. When Rafe and the Pogues are in Morocco together, they all become fugitives and Sheriff Shoupe finally catches them. The Pogues are about to give up when Rafe convinces Shoupe to let them go. At the end, JJ has the crown in his hand but sees Kie who is held captive by Chandler Groff. JJ hands over the crown in return for Kie to survive but seconds later, Groff stabs JJ and tells Kiara that he already had everything that he wished for.
I interviewed a freshman, Cydd Adriano, and he stated, “I did not like this season, it was very bad.” I also interviewed a freshman, Jeana Macayon, and she stated, “I didn’t watch the season yet but I heard what happened and I’m shocked.”