National Nap Day

More stories from Casydee Alvarado

Teenage Emotions
May 26, 2017

@ Josh


National Nap Day, an opportunity for people to catch up on some sleep! This celebration usually happens around daylight savings time, which is perfect since we lose an hour of sleep because of it. A nap can be positively good for you, usually after taking a nap, people are put in a better mood and are energized to do something productive. Various studies report that short 10-20 minute naps are helpful when that midday drowsiness hits. It has become apparent that people in the U.S. are becoming more sleep deprived. A cause of this could be because of people’s busy lifestyles. A recommended 10-30 minute can provide improved alertness, productivity, and mood. So grab a pillow and find a cozy place to snooze.

National Nap Day would not be happening if it hadn’t been for William Anthony, a Boston University Professor. Together he and his wife, Camille Anthony, created National Nap Day.It was created in 1999 in hopes to raise awareness of the health benefits to getting some quality sleep.

For more national days, click here!